07712 117986

Support for Survivors

Do you love the person that hurts you, but don’t want to end the relationship? Have you left the relationship or are you still in the relationship and afraid to leave? Is what’s happening, or what has happened, affecting you in many ways, for example emotionally and physically? Would you like to understand what has happened to you?

It is not easy to believe that the person we love has the need to abuse us, after all, they say we are the one that they love. What is all that about and why do we feel that we are to blame? What effect is all of this having on our children?

Two of our experienced professionally trained members of staff, who understand what you are going through, have written and designed a programme of help and support for you. You can find your own answers to all of these questions in a safe and friendly atmosphere.

The programme is open to anyone, including those who are still in an abusive relationship. You will be helped to understand what has happened to you in your relationship, and you will be encouraged and supported to take control of your own life, moving from co-dependency to independence.

You will be provided with the opportunity to develop different ways of thinking and behaving, which, in turn, will help you to protect yourself and your children.

By accepting this help, you will develop and grow – and positive change will occur, which will enhance your life and also your family’s life.

We offer EMDR Therapy for traumatised victims of PTSD

1 to 1 Counselling

1-1 counselling

We also provide a confidential counselling service, which is one-to-one and by appointment with one of our qualified therapists and trainer. Please complete our referral form to access this support.