07712 117986

Support For Children

  • 1-1 counselling
  • Children’s peer support group
"The counselling really helped me make sense of everything I’ve been through. At first, I didn’t know how to talk about it, but now I feel like I can. I understand that it’s okay to feel how I feel, and I’ve learned ways to cope better. It’s made me feel stronger and more confident about my future."
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"I feel better after talking to someone about what happened. I didn’t know it was okay to feel upset, but now I know it’s not my fault. I liked how we did fun stuff while talking, and I can talk to my family more now about how I feel."
Image For Childrens Feedback
"The group really helped me understand what I’ve been through. I thought I was the only one feeling like this, but meeting other kids made me realise I'm not alone. The counsellor and support worker listened to me and made me feel safe. I’ve learned how to handle my feelings better and feel more in control now."
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"I liked coming to the group because it was fun, and I got to talk about my feelings. I learned that it’s not my fault and that other kids feel the same way too. The games and stories helped me feel happy again!"
Image For Childrens Feedback
"A brilliant service and much needed in West Cumbria."
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"Without you wonderful, supportive people, I and many others would be facing the pain and trauma of this situation alone. So grateful that you set up this amazing charity and work so hard for us all."
Image For Childrens Feedback
"I don’t know what I would have done without this project. It has saved my marriage, my kids are happy, and all of my relationships are better."
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"This has changed my life. For the first time, I really understand what I am doing, why I am doing it, and how to do something different."
Image For Childrens Feedback